Ronda CountryStyle
The Ronda CountryStyle’s unique charm is a result of the real wood case.
Available as “oak bright”, “oak rustic” or any finish wished for by our customers this machine will fit into your interior as an appropriate piece of furniture.
Technical details are identical to those of the Ronda 30.
oak bright, oak rustic,
customizable finish
oak bright, oak rustic,
customizable finish
52 cm x 30 cm x 90 cm
length x depth x height
Polish dispenser:
0.75 liter with ball valve
2 polishing brushes
1 pre-cleaning brush
ø 13 cm x 7 cm
diameter x width
25 kg net, 27 kg gross
Contact switch:
on the case
Power supply:
120 volt,
130 watt, 1200 rpm
Oak Bright
Oak Rustic